About Me

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I am what I am!! Can't never go on diet coz love eating too much especially sweet stuffs!!! =) 自少愛吃, 特別是甜品, 因此從未打算節食減肥. 因為太愛吃又嘴挑, 所以愛上煮食. :)

Sunday, September 24, 2006

I'm back!!!

I'm back!!! 去左英國成個月, 差d悶死我!! 唔知H.K.既朋友仔有無人掛住我呢??? ^^ 倫敦仍是我印象中的dirty, 一點都沒有變過. 今次因有時間, 所以去左附近的一些大, 小城市. Town 仔雖然細, 但比較乾淨. 今次行程除了幫我brother setting up 之外, 最大既收穫就係同d好姊妹見見面. 其中一位我地更超過10年沒見....好開心!!! 我好累呀, 遲 d 先 post d 相上黎呀!! ^^

Thursday, September 14, 2006

I am still in England

How's everything? I am still in England. Gosh, never imagine it's not that easy to get access on the internet in there... Man... >.<>

Take care!!