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I am what I am!! Can't never go on diet coz love eating too much especially sweet stuffs!!! =) 自少愛吃, 特別是甜品, 因此從未打算節食減肥. 因為太愛吃又嘴挑, 所以愛上煮食. :)

Monday, June 10, 2013

Homemade rice dumings

本來諗住今年減產只包50,60隻糭,但最後仍然要包過百隻才夠送給朋友們。糭已全部送出,不要再問我了 溫馨提示:大隻用咸水草包的是咸肉糭,白繩的是齋糭。細隻用咸水草包的是無饀的鹼水糭,白繩的是有豆沙饀的。 

I was planning to make around 50,60pcs rice dumpling this year only. However, I have to make over 100pcs in order to meet my lovely friends ' request. Thank you all for your support n all the rice dumplings have been given out. So stop asking me for the rice dumpling kindly reminder, for those which wrapped with the dried weed are the regular one n those wrapped with white string are the veggie one. And the smaller one which wrapped with the dried weep one are the without red bean paste n the one wrapped with white string are the one with red bean paste!! Hope you all enjoy!!